Another evening sky! But the temps went back to wintery. In ten minutes the thermometer dropped 22 degrees F!
A winter evening sky, but the temps say spring!
Grand girls getting a wheelbarrow ride from Nene!
Wool socks hung up to dry!
Happy Valentine’s Day (I know it’s a little late!)
A few snippets from the Fort Stockton Sheep Dog Trial
Sunset over Five Mile Mesa southeast of Fort Stockton, Texas. We’re at the first sheepdog trial for the season!
I’m a sockaholic! Not hand knitted, but ordered off Amazon! Love these socks!!๐๐๐
Yep! We’re Olympic Fans!!
Hard to photograph puppies!! They have to be behind a fence because they would be looking right into the camera!!
A beautiful misty/foggy/rainy day!!
Another leader/ender project in progress!
Got out some of my grandmother’s pretty dinnerware as friends came for dinner.
Lemon or Chocolate! Which do you prefer?
A little love and sweet in the house!
Quilt top almost ready to baste and hand quilt!